“Thinking Outside The Box” On Pet Teeth Care And Naughty Kitties

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Recently in the clinic, we had someone drop off a perfectly beautiful cat to be put to sleep for being “old” and urinating all over the house. I had serious reservations about performing the procedure without at least giving the kitty a good check up.  After performing a thorough physical exam  (and checking a quick urine sample), the owners of the clinic and I both decided to offer to treat the kitty (at our expense) for a urinary tract infection if the clients would be willing to let us try to save her.  Luckily, they agreed! And after a close call she is back at home with the rest of her family.

This week this same question came up in the Facebook group Positive Pet Advice.  Today we discuss what to do if your kitty is going to the bathroom outside of the litter box.

Additionally, a question was asked about what types of tooth care products are best to use on your animals. I let you know my favorites so you don’t waste your money on ineffective products.

Hope you enjoy this week’s edition of Hot and Health Topics with DrQ! Please subscribe to my YouTube channel if you do!
