Dr. Jena Questen has been in the field of veterinary medicine for more than 20 years. She is a holistic vet and a “life coach” for people with pets. She is also a Professional Animal Trainer certified through the Dolphin Research Center, a Veterinary Acupuncturist certified by Colorado State University, and one of the only certified aquatic veterinarians in this part of the country. Learning the science involved in animal training through the world of dolphins and marveling at how much a person can love a pet fish have fueled her greater understanding and appreciation of the human-animal bond.
Involved with aquatic medicine for many years, “DrQ,” who is definitely considered a fish expert, was the 2020 President of the World Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association. She sees fish patients from all over the state several times a week in the hospital and even has a room full of tanks dedicated to her aquatic patients, some of which might require hospitalization.
Chinese herbs and other disciplines that are very nontraditional, like acupuncture, also set her apart. Dr. Questen has had a keen interest in plant-based nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices for a long time, and she is here to help you and your animals live longer, happier, and healthier!
Her experience includes everything from horse racing and dog training to emergency medicine for fish and yaks. In the human realm, she is involved with health/wellness projects (even yoga and cooking classes) for children and adults.